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New Development: Cooler Disintegrator Compressor – CDC


Flaring the valuable high calorific process gas of enclosed electric arc reduction furnaces is old school. Today we have co-generation (CoGen): using the off-gas as fuel gas for on-site power generation with Gasmotor -Generator-Units (GenSet).

Advantages of CoGen

  • decreased operating cost (OPEX)
  • reduced emissions to minimize environmental impact
  • improved plant availability
  • reduced dependency on external power and heat providers

However, the reliable process gas conditioning is the critical precondition! Hereby the fuel specifications of the CO gas fired motors concerning residual dust content, pressure, temperature and moisture can be met.

Efficient Wet Gas Conditioning for CoGen using THEISEN CDC!

Our new development, the THEISEN Cooler Disintegrator Compressor (CDC), combines two well proven, reliable and highly effective principles within one single machine:

  • the Disintegrator wet gas scrubbing technology to achieve ultra clean gas, and
  • the intrinsically safe and low-maintenance Liquid Ring Compressor (LRC) technology for gas drafting and compression.

The THEISEN CDC also cools the fuel-gas to the required temperature. Due to its modular concept the THEISEN CDC can be adapted to suit the project specific raw-gas conditions and fuel volume requirements.

Functionality and Advantages of the THEISEN CDC

  • intrinsically safe and low-maintenance wet gas conditioning eliminating risks associated with dry filters (no false air entrainment, no explosion, no clogging) and reducing cost (no filter media, no pulsing gas),
  • effective gas scrubbing reducing solid particle matter (SPM) to < 10 mg/Nm³ using the special rotor/stator configuration of the Disintegrator,
  • integrated gas drafting and clean gas pressure boosting > 25 kPa (g) by the Liquid Ring Compressor eliminating the need for sensitive and expensive booster fans and respective drives,
  • direct gas cooling to obtain clean gas temperature < 40°C with cooled process water using the existing scrubber water treatment plant, and
  • simplified gas drying to achieve clean gas relative moisture < 80% at <40°C

The THEISEN CDC combines all advantages within one single machine. It reduces costs, increases efficiency and improves environmental protection at existing plants.

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